Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information

We know that the world is a little different right now as the COVID-19 situation continues to change and we are learning to live with COVID-19. As always, our residents’ safety and wellbeing are our top priority, and we have all been working hard to support you and ensuring that you have a safe environment to live and study. 

Our Promise

The health and safety of our students and staff is our top priority. In response, we have developed new ways of working based on the advice and guidance provided by the government, industry bodies and our safety consultants.

We know, when you move into one of our schemes, that you need the freedom to move around and enjoy all our facilities without worry.

That’s why we promise:

  1. To reduce contact when you check in – you are able to book a check in slot on the Student Castle Student Portal. We will send you more information on the check in procedure closer to your move in date.
  1. To deep clean each room before our new residents move in. Each room will be checked by a member of management before you move in to guarantee the highest level of cleanliness.
  1. All common areas will have disinfection cleans regularly throughout the day by our housekeeping team, paying attention to high usage touch points.
  1. New directional and instructional signages have been installed in and around our buildings to avoid overcrowding.
  1. Protective shields will remain in place on reception in order to minimise contact between staff and residents.
  1. Hand sanitiser stations will be located throughout the schemes at all major entry or exit points.
  1. If you are showing any symptoms of COVID-19, up until 31 March 2022 you are entitled to a free test through the NHS. Lateral flow tests can be ordered here. From 1 April 2022 a charge will apply. If you have any questions, our staff will be happy to assist
  1. All staff are regularly updated on the latest advice from the UK Government and are happy to advise residents.
  1. Self isolation is no longer a legal requirement in England. Mandatory self isolation remains in Scotland. However, we recommend that anyone with a positive Covid-19 test isolates for 10 days, or until they receive two consecutive days of negative tests. 
  1. We request that you inform us if you have a positive test. We can then assist you with food deliveries, rubbish removal and anything else you may require.



We know that like everyone, you will be concerned about the current COVID-19 (coronavirus) situation and we wanted to keep you reassured at this unsettling time. The health and wellbeing of our residents and staff remains paramount and we have produced this document as a guide to help. 

For all up to date information and advice, you can check the following websites,

Please remember that we are here to help you. If you are at all worried, we have our team onsite who can discuss any worries you might have. You can also email your dedicated scheme onsite if you have any queries.



I have symptoms of COVID-19, what do I do?
Please visit If you have severe symptoms such as struggling to breath call 999 as an emergency. Please take a lateral flow test if you have symptoms and isolate should the test be positive.

What is the current government advice about COVID-19?
England -
Scotland -

What is the procedure for self-isolating?
We ask all residents to inform a member of staff as soon as they are aware that they have contracted Covid-19. Although, in England, positive cases of Covid-19 are no longer legally required to self isolate we encourage residents, who have tested positive, to minimise the risk to others and isolate for a minimum of 5 days or until they have two consecutive negative lateral flow tests. In Scotland, positive Covid-19 cases continue to be legally required to self isolate for a period of 10 days or until they have two consecutive, negative tests taken after day 5. Please inform us if you have tested positive and we will assist you with deliveries, rubbish removal and anything else you require.

Do I have to wear a mask?
Although wearing masks indoors is now not a legal requirement, we encourage all residents to wear masks when visiting these areas.

I am an international student. Am I eligible for a vaccine in the UK?
Yes, if you register with your GP you will be eligible for a vaccine and you will be contacted by the NHS when you are eligible to receive it.


Contract Changes

Who can I speak to for more information about rent and licence agreements?
If you would like to contact someone with a query on anything above, please contact the local site team. 

I want to cancel my booking due to Covid-19. Can I do this?
Please refer to our Cancellation Policy (England) and our Cancellation Policy (Scotland). We will continue to review this policy as the Covid-19 pandemic progresses.



How can I check in safely if I haven’t arrived yet?
Don’t worry! We’ve been working on a safe way to check all our new residents in. This includes reducing the paperwork you have to sign on arrival, one-way systems and sterilised keys. You will be emailed the check in procedure well before your check in date, so you know exactly what to expect.



What are you doing to clean communal areas?
Student Castle have increased cleaning of any communal or shared spaces like corridors, lifts and social rooms. We have also stepped up cleaning of any frequently used ‘touch points’ like lift buttons, door handles, etc.

Can I book a room clean?
Yes, but slots may be limited as we are prioritising communal areas. We request that you leave the room whilst the clean takes place. 

Will the gym stay open?
Yes, but we may limit numbers to assist with social distancing and we may close for short periods in order to complete enhanced cleaning.


Resident Life

Am I allowed to have guests?
Yes, but guests should not visit if they are experiencing symptoms of Covid-19 or have been told to self isolate. 

How do you help if I am self-isolating?
We are always on hand to help! There is a member of Student Castle staff on site 24 hours a day. This means we can assist you with any food deliveries (takeaways), grocery deliveries and also helping you get rid of your waste. We also want to support our residents’ mental wellbeing. If you’re struggling with your mental health give us a call and we will support you as best we can.

I’m in self-isolation – how can I get my supermarket delivery / parcels?
Supermarket deliveries can be delivered to reception if you are self-isolating. If you have to remain in your flat or studio staff will deliver your groceries to your flat or studio door. If you are not required to self-isolate, then please ensure you are available to collect the supermarket delivery when it arrives. Parcels will be signed for as normal. 

What happens in the event of a fire if I am self-isolating?
While the advice is to stay at home, the immediate risk from a fire or suspected fire is much greater than catching or spreading any virus. We would need to prioritize evacuation and getting residents out of the building safely. Please evacuate as normal if you hear a non-scheduled fire alarm. However, once you are safely out of the building at the agreed fire assembly point, people who have been self-isolating should keep the recommended distance from others (2 meters). All Scheme Managers are aware of this.

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